Contributors and Supporters
See below for an evolving list of partners who are contributing to our library, hosting reading groups, or committing to keep the conversation going at their institutions!
Connected Organizations
Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE)
JSG Geoscience Empowerment Network
Initial Content Contributors
Emily Mixon, University of Wisconsin-Madison (@emilyemixon)
Julia Cisneros, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (@Juliamorphology)
Aída Guhlincozzi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (@arguhlin)
Alexandra Valencia Villa, University of Wisconsin-Madison (@AValenciaVilla)
Kelsey Winsor (@kelseywinsor)
Nilou Sarvian, Northwestern University (@niloulsarvian)
Ginny Catania, University of Texas at Austin (@gbinny)
Kiara Gomez, University of Texas at Austin (@KiaraJGomez1)
Rowan Martindale, University of Texas at Austin (@RowanMartindale)
Kristina Butler, University of Texas at Austin (@futurerockdoc)
Lu Chou, Georgetown University/NASA Goddard (@Astrobiophile)
Scott Miller, University of Florida
Jory Lerback, University of Utah (@JoryCL)
Rachel Bernard, Amherst College (@rachelxbernard)
Emily Cooperdock, University of Southern California (@ehgcoop)